Book Trailers,  Inspirational Books

Trailer Tuesday – Redeeming Liberty



In this timely thriller by ExFeds Diane and David Munson (former Federal Prosecutor and Federal Agent), parole officer Dawn Ahern is shocked to witness her friend Liberty, the chosen bride of Wally (former “lost boy” from Sudan) being kidnapped by modern-day African slave traders. Dawn tackles overwhelming danger head-on in her quest to redeem Liberty. When she reaches out to FBI agent Griff Topping and CIA agent Bo Rider, her life is changed forever. Suspense soars as Bo launches a clandestine rescue effort for Liberty only to discover a deadly Iranian secret threatening the lives of millions of Americans and Israelis. Glimpse tomorrow’s startling headlines in this captivating story of faith and freedom under fire.

It’s been said of best-selling authors Diane and David Munson, that “he nailed ‘em…and she jailed ‘em.” David was an NCIS Special Agent, and an undercover DEA Special Agent and Diane a Federal prosecutor. Now these Ex-Feds write high velocity suspense novels that combine their exciting cases into factional fiction by changing the names and places. Their books, compared favorably by reviewing critics to John Grisham and Tom Clancy, and by readers to Terry Blackstock, Randy Singer and Joel Rosenberg, are realistic, fast-paced, and popular with men, women, and young adults. Learn more their six thrillers and watch book trailers of, Facing Justice, Confirming Justice, The Camelot Conspiracy, Hero’s Ransom, Redeeming Liberty and the newest exciting release, The Joshua Covenant, at

As an author of heartwarming historical and contemporary romance, Sandra Ardoin engages readers with page-turning stories of love and faith. Rarely out of reach of a book, she's also an armchair sports enthusiast, country music listener, and seldom says no to eating out.

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