Book Trailers,  Inspirational Books

Trailer Tuesday: A Summer in Oakville

This week’s book trailer is for A Summer in Oakville by Shellie Neumeier and Lisa J. Lickel. 




One Magical Summer in Oakville, Wisconsin, Love Finds its Way through Four Entwined Lives.
Tessa Hasmer Murphy has a secret. Estranged from her husband, will she let a  past love and a fight to save the family farm destroy her marriage and  daughter Lindsay’s happiness?
Lindsay Murphy plans to live on her grandparents’ farm until she can find a job, but developer Brandon  Calloway has other plans for the property. As she wages war against him, will she lose her heart and the farm both?
Widower Arthur  Hasmer’s life and that of his son, Andy, spiral out of control. Then old friend, Dana London, reenters the picture with the power to help them  all back to love, joy and faith.
Andy Hasmer has the ultimate  bummer life. No mom, not much of a dad, no future. When he’s sent to the farm and wrecks the truck, nothing could be worse than the lousy job he takes to pay Grampa back—except maybe putting up with the pastor’s  daughter, Ella.

Shellie Neumeier holds a degree in Secondary Education from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, with a minor in Psychology, Sociology and Social Studies. A devoted mother of four, Shellie previously worked on staff with Northbrook Church as the King’s Kids ministry assistant (serving children in grades 2nd through 5th). Shellie’s YA novel, Driven (Risen Fiction) and A Summer in Oakville(Black Lyon Publising) are available online and at your local bookstores. Her middle grade chapter book The Wishing Ring is available in ebook format on She is an active member of ACFW as well as a contributing author for various blogs. Shellie is located in southwestern Ohio.

Links: Facebook –

Twitter – shellie_c

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I have received no compensation for this post and have no material connection  with any product(s) mentioned. Embedded links are strictly for the convenience of my readers.

As an author of heartwarming historical and contemporary romance, Sandra Ardoin engages readers with page-turning stories of love and faith. Rarely out of reach of a book, she's also an armchair sports enthusiast, country music listener, and seldom says no to eating out.

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