August 2020 Around the Web
Wow! It’s been a busy month that has sailed by despite the inability to come and go as I please. While you’re stuck at home, too, check out these posts from Around the Web. “The Power of Prayer” by Sara…
Seriously Write: Raise Your Hand
Is hiring a professional editor the wise thing to do? Here are some reasons why I think it’s important to hire a good editor. Sandra Ardoin That’s right. I’m taking over the Seriously Write blog today and we’re talking editing. Should…
Seriously Write: Great is His Faithfulness By Patty Smith Hall
My plant serves as a reminder to me of God’s mercy, fresh every day, whether I’m in a raging storm or on calm seas. Patty Smith Hall Patty Smith Hall is back on the Seriously Write blog today to provide…
Seriously Write: Write On by Theresa Hall
I wish I could tell you that there’s a “secret path” to publishing. If there is, no one told me about it. Theresa Hall Have you ever doubted your books would be published. I think we all have suffered through…