Seriously Write: Art of Writing Through by Kimberley Woodhouse
Sandra Ardoin @SandraArdoin …how do we continue to write—to stoke the creative embers—during the storms of life when a figurative gully-washer tries to quench the flame? On the Seriously Write blog today, author Kimberley Woodhouse answers that question with a…
Seriously Write: Creativity in His Image by Linda W. Yezak
Sandra Ardoin @SandraArdoin Man’s vast creativity and capability to spin a tale or unveil a mystery is just another part of how humans are created in the image of God. He is the master storyteller, weaving a thousand story lines…
Strong and Courageous with Linda Yezak
Sandra Ardoin @SandraArdoin One of the things—and probably the major thing—that can keep a would-be writer from doing what she’s been called to do is flat-out fear. With this month’s Strong and Courageous post, author Linda Yezak shares a childhood…
Seriously Write: The Ups and Downs of the Writing Journey by Narelle Atkins
@SandraArdoin When I was a pre-published writer, I learned from more experienced writers that the writing journey is not for the feint of heart. Today’s Seriously Write guest is author Narelle Atkins. She talks about the unexpected twists that can…