Seriously Write: The Art of Juggling by Susan Anne Mason
The moral of the story is that sometimes the most daunting of tasks can only be overcome by taking one painful step at a time. Susan Anne Mason Author Susan Anne Mason joins us on the Seriously Write blog to…
Seriously Write: The Rule of Five for Writers by Misty M. Beller
Sandra Ardoin @SandraArdoin I love this concept for so many reasons, but mostly because it makes succeeding at huge tasks manageable, and helps build productive habits. Author Misty M. Beller is on the Seriously Write blog today to talk about…
Seriously Write: Making Time to Write When It Feels You Have None to Give by Jennifer Slattery
Sandra Ardoin @Sandra Ardoin Surely if He called you to this writing thing, He’d finagle a way to give you time to actually, well, write. Are you having trouble finding that time? Do you have any tips to add to…
Seriously Write: All Too Much? by Bonnie Leon
Sandra Ardoin @SandraArdoin Do you ever feel like you can’t do one more thing? That life is just too much? Too hard? You’re too busy? You’re overwhelmed? Yeah, me too. I’ve been thinking on this lately, mostly about how to make…