Seriously Write: Birthing a Hero By Elizabeth Noyes
Sandra Ardoin @SandraArdoin Readers want living, breathing characters with personality, an ego, faults, feelings, failings, thoughts, reactions, regrets, vulnerabilities, emotions, and much more. These heroes have hopes and dreams, likes and dislikes, and sometimes they do stupid things for right…
Seriously Write: BackStory is for You—the Author—to Know. Don’t be an intruder! by Caryl McAdoo
Sandra Ardoin @SandraArdoin To develop a character, even on page one, the writer needs to know where the heroine’s been and what in her life has brought her to that day, but a reader does not. Don’t start your novel…
Seriously Write: Exploring the Hard Truths by Jessica R. Patch
Sandra Ardoin @SandraArdoin As a writer, I often learn as much, spiritually, as my characters. Today on the Seriously Write blog, author Jessica Patch encourages us to dig deep into the “hard truths”—for our characters, for our readers, and for…
Seriously Write: Is Your Story Too Good to be True? by Gayla Hiss
Sandra Ardoin @SandraArdoin Are your stories connecting with readers? If not, author Gayla Hiss may have the answer for you on this morning’s Seriously Write blog. Do your characters face everyday issues in a realistic way that helps readers relate…