December 2010 Releases
Romance is heating up the chilly air this month! Christmas is a season when we express our love for God and others. It’s also a time when some single women anticipate that special sparkling something from their special romantic someones. Others of us enjoy reading…
November 2010 Releases
Monday, November 1, 2010 was National Author’s Day, a day to celebrate authors in America. It began in 1928 as a resolution proposed by Illinois women’s club president, Nellie Verne Burt McPherson. The U. S. Department of Commerce recognized it as a special date…
Saving Our Characters
Is it crazy to care if a fictional character is Heaven bound?
Short, Imaginative and Mysterious
Below are some September releases for inpirational fiction in the categories of novellas, science-fiction/fantasy and mystery/suspense. I hope you find something that piques your interest. Novellas A Door County Christmas; The Heart’s Harbor by Cynthia Ruchti, Ride With Me Into Christmas…