Seriously Write: Deep POV – Getting in Character and Staying There by Kelly Irvin
Sandra Ardoin @SandraArdoin Readers have told me that by the time they finish reading my novels, they feel as if they are part of the heroine’s family. Readers have written asking if the baby was a boy or a girl—as…
September 2013 New ACFW Releases
#NewNovelReleases #ACFW #Reading #InspirationalBooks #ChristianFiction The kids are in school. Time to kick back and relax with a good book. Or, if you’re like me, grab one to take with you while hauling them all over or waiting to pick…
High Five Friday!!
We’re celebrating this month with the following writers. And, as you will see below, sometimes our writing takes us in an interesting direction. High Five!! to everyone! Margaret Brownley was thrilled to learn her novel Gunpowder Tea earned a starred…