Seriously Write: LET’S EAT GRANDMA – The Importance of Proofreading by Kathy Ide
I originally ran the post on this blog, but thought those who follow the Seriously Write blog would benefit from Kathy Ide’s advice. She has a terrific grammar book out, Proofreading Secrets of Best-Selling Authors. So if you didn’t see…
LET’S EAT GRANDMA The Importance of Proofreading by Kathy Ide
Grammar can be the bane of a writer’s life. But grammatical errors don’t just affect professional writers. I can’t count how many times I’ve read something and shaken my head at the mistakes I’ve noticed. Editor Kathy Ide has written…
High Five Friday!!
Fall has arrived and brought with it a number of accomplishments being celebrated by writers. This is the day we dance with them. A High Five!! to everyone! Kathy Ide celebrates receiving a contract from Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas…