Seriously Write: My Decision To Go Hybrid by Heidi Chiavaroli
Sandra Ardoin @sandraardoin I’m excited about releasing my first indie book. And I’m a tad nervous, of course. But if all works out, I’m hoping that my decision to go hybrid will benefit not only my readers, but me and…
Seriously Write: A Few Thoughts on Self-Publishing by ACFW Qualified Independent Publisher Stephenia H. McGee
Sandra Ardoin @SandraArdoin So, you’re wondering what this self-publishing thing is all about. What will it mean? Will people think you weren’t ‘good enough’ to have a ‘real’ publisher, or are you getting directly to readers who will love your work….…
Seriously Write: The Ups and Downs of the Writing Journey by Narelle Atkins
@SandraArdoin When I was a pre-published writer, I learned from more experienced writers that the writing journey is not for the feint of heart. Today’s Seriously Write guest is author Narelle Atkins. She talks about the unexpected twists that can…
Seriously Write: Audience? What audience? by Braxton DeGarmo
Sandra Ardoin @SandraArdoin We all know what an audience is. A big challenge for many is finding that audience. That’s certainly true for Indie authors, and becoming truer for trad pub authors… On Seriously Write today, indie author Braxton DeGarmo…