November 2010 Releases
Monday, November 1, 2010 was National Author’s Day, a day to celebrate authors in America. It began in 1928 as a resolution proposed by Illinois women’s club president, Nellie Verne Burt McPherson. The U. S. Department of Commerce recognized it as a special date…
Saving Our Characters
Is it crazy to care if a fictional character is Heaven bound?
Romance and History
ACFW authors are releasing a bumper crop of inspirational books in September–34 in all. This week I’m listing nineteen contemporary romance and historical titles. Across the Cotton Fields; Mississippi Brides, book 1 by Diane T. Ashley and Aaron McCarver– Romance from Barbour. Alexandra Lewis must find…
Mystery and History
On Monday, August 9, I will guest post on Nicole Miller’s blog, To the Heart of History. She’s running a fun series on “The Story Behind the Story,” how certain novels have come to be. I’ll talk about timing and…