Seriously Write: What We Do by Gail Pallotta
Getting from one end of a book to the other sometimes seems like walking through a maze, especially when one is a pantzer at heart. Gail Pallotta Author Gail Pallotta visits the Seriously Write blog today to talk about plotting…
Seriously Write: Researching Like a Detective by Gail Pallotta
by Sandra Ardoin When researching, sometimes you need to dig deeper than just online and book resources. Author Gail Pallotta shares her suggestion to take your research to a deeper level. Have you ever had an experience when your…
Seriously Write: Memorable Characters by Gail Pallotta
Today’s Seriously Write blog post from author Gail Pallotta spoke to me and had me brainstorming ways in which I could make the characters in my current project more memorable to the reader. What character from a book or…
High Five Friday!!
Fall has arrived and brought with it a number of accomplishments being celebrated by writers. This is the day we dance with them. A High Five!! to everyone! Kathy Ide celebrates receiving a contract from Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas…