Seriously Write: Weary of Writing? Put Down the Pen and Pick Up a Paintbrush by Jennifer Lamont Leo
by Sandra Ardoin @SandraArdoin There are times when it’s helpful to step away from the computer and refresh our minds through another facet of creativity. On the Seriously Write blog, author Jennifer Lamont Leo shares her “refreshing” experience. What’s the…
Seriously Write: Self-doubt: the Bane of All Writers by Michelle Griep
by Sandra Ardoin @SandraArdoin Have you struggled with self-doubt when it comes to your writing? On the Seriously Write blog today Author Michelle Griep provides encouragement to keep on writing on. Was there a time when you were struck…
Seriously Write: Fill Your Creative Well by Tracey Lyons
On the Seriously Write blog today, author Tracey Lyons talks about ways to fill that creative well. Join us! Share how you go about filling your creative well!
Seriously Write:Include Life Experiences in Your Stories by Beth Wiseman
by Sandra Ardoin Check out today’s post on the Seriously Write blog by author Beth Wiseman. It will tickle your funny bone and get you dragging out all those old memories to use in your stories. What unusual or unique…