Seriously Write: Kidspiration by Pepper Basham
Sandra Ardoin @SandraArdoin I’m a mom before I’m a writer. It’s one of my favorite things to be. And I KNOW God has a sense of humor because he gave me five fun, crazy, challenging, and imaginative kiddos who’ve rocked…
A Life in the Day of Annette Irby
Sandra Ardoin @SandraArdoin We all have our favorite spots for relaxation. Author Annette Irby turned one of her favorites into the setting for her romantic novel and brings it to life for the reader. Today, she shares how that setting…
A Life in the Day of Annette Irby
Sandra Ardoin @SandraArdoin We all have our favorite spots for relaxation. Author Annette Irby turned one of her favorites into the setting for her romantic novel and brings it to life for the reader. Today, she shares how that setting…
Seriously Write: Ten Things About Writing by Jana Kelley
Sandra Ardoin @SandraArdoin At some point (how about today?), put your fingers on the keyboard and do it. … That’s the first lesson I’ve learned: Just start already! Author Jana Kelley shares nine more things she’s learned since that first…