It’s a Glorious Time of Year!
As I prepare for the celebration of God’s Gift to the world, I want to wish you all a beautiful Christmas and thank you for your support of this blog!
Seriously Write: Merry Christmas from Your Seriously Write Team!
Blessings and a message to you from everyone at Seriously Write: “Merry Christmas, dear readers and friends! Your Seriously Write hostesses/team are taking the week off to celebrate with our families. We wish you a blessed and joyful Christmas, and…
In The Stack December 2016
Sandra Ardoin @SandraArdoin ‘Tis the season for reading Christmas stories, especially those quick, but oh-so-enjoyable novellas. To me they’re like lapping up a Hallmark Christmas movie marathon. But, you know, you don’t need to put them away with the Christmas…
The Word Became Flesh