• Finishing Strong with Janet Ferguson

    Sandra Ardoin @sandraardoin For this month’s post, I asked author Janet Ferguson to share her experience with Finishing Strong. Welcome, Janet! How do you choose your next writing project? My first writing project, Leaving Oxford, developed from my own struggle…

  • June 2019 ACFW New Fiction Releases

    Sandra Ardoin @sandraardoin Summer is in full swing (along with the heat). What are your summer reading plans? Contemporary Romance: The Art of Rivers by Janet Ferguson — Can a woman whose life has been damaged by addiction trust her heart to a…

  • May 2019 ACFW New Fiction Releases

    Sandra Ardoin @sandraardoin May is a great month for adding to your to-be-read-during-the-summer list . Stack ’em up! Contemporary Romance: When Love Won’t Wait by Roger E. Bruner — Laugh at Pastor Dan’s impulsive efforts to get out of the ministry and marry…