Seriously Write: Encouragement for Writers by June Foster
Sandra Ardoin @sandraardoin How can editing tough passages and receiving rejections from editors and agents be delightful? June Foster Author June Foster visits the Seriously Write blog today with a devotion aimed at providing the encouragement we need as we…
Seriously Write: Surrendering Your Dream by Jennifer Uhlarik
Sandra Ardoin @sandraardoin I’d worked my original dream with no success. Plan B was in shambles. My strivings had left me tired and wounded, so I shifted my focus to survival rather than writing. Jennifer Uhlarik On the Seriously Write…
April 2019 Around the Web
Sandra Ardoin @sandraardoin It feels like every other day I flip the calendar to another month. May? Seriously? Time marches. Below, you’ll find some blog posts that went down in April. “Friendship at Its Best” is an inspiring (in)courage blog…
Seriously Write: Creativity in His Image by Linda W. Yezak
Sandra Ardoin @SandraArdoin Man’s vast creativity and capability to spin a tale or unveil a mystery is just another part of how humans are created in the image of God. He is the master storyteller, weaving a thousand story lines…