September 2019 Around the Web
This month’s list will be short since I was gone much of the month and away from the internet. (Gasp! Is that even possible?) Because I just returned from a trip in which we (my husband) drove a couple of…
August 2019 Around the Web
What a month! Can August really be in its last days? I’ve been busy preparing Unwrapping Hope for its October release while trying to get in some word count on the next book. Life as an author can be both…
July 2019 Around the Web
I’m still working on the website, tweaking it here and there and trying to discover the secret to making my links appear in another color, so you can see them easily. Bear with me. For today, the links are within…
June 2019 Around the Web
It’s been one busy month, so I’m afraid this post will be a little shy of my normal amount of suggested reading. I hope you enjoy the ones listed. INSPIRATION I’m no activist, but “How to stop human trafficking? Stop…