Seriously Write: Weary of Writing? Put Down the Pen and Pick Up a Paintbrush by Jennifer Lamont Leo
by Sandra Ardoin @SandraArdoin There are times when it’s helpful to step away from the computer and refresh our minds through another facet of creativity. On the Seriously Write blog, author Jennifer Lamont Leo shares her “refreshing” experience. What’s the…
Seriously Write: The Emotion of Setting
by Sandra Ardoin We’re talking about art and setting on the Seriously Write blog today. What do they have in common? Well, come on by and join in the discussion.
Has there been a time when something you saw…
When Art Imitates Art
Back when I was single and fancy-free (in other words, without a date), I spent a Saturday wandering a local outdoor art show. It was a perfect spring day in Texas and a good many people strolled through the park, taking in each exhibit and buying their…