Seriously Write: The Adventures of a Burnt-Out Author by Patty Smith Hall
Sandra Ardoin @sandraardoin
Last year, I experienced what it is to be completely burnt out for the first time in my life. I should have seen it coming.
Patty Smith Hall
Author Patty Smith Hall is on the Seriously Write blog today with her burn-out experience and a few tips to help you through it.

Have you suffered from writing burn out? How did you handle it?
Jennifer Hallmark
I have. I’ve taken anywhere from a week to a month off. I didn’t have a deadline at the time so I could…
Sandra Ardoin
Those deadlines definitely make resting tougher…kind of a good news/bad news thing. A week isn’t bad on a fairly regular basis, though. Have a great day, Jennifer!
Thanks for sharing! I needed it!
Sandra Ardoin
Glad it spoke to you, Anita!