Guest Post,  Seriously Write,  Writing in General

Seriously Write: Branding: Why do I have to have a Blog? by Patty Smith Hall

For years, I’ve tried (and failed) at starting my own blog. But recently, my husband gave me a compelling reason to try again.

Patty Smith Hall

On the Seriously Write blog today, author Patty Smith Hall continues her series on author branding. Do you need to blog? How do you get started? How do you use it in your brand?

What are two or three ways you can use your blog to promote your brand?

As an author of heartwarming historical and contemporary romance, Sandra Ardoin engages readers with page-turning stories of love and faith. Rarely out of reach of a book, she's also an armchair sports enthusiast, country music listener, and seldom says no to eating out.


    • Sandra Ardoin

      Or at the top of the sidebar. Good idea. I hadn’t really thought of that, Jennifer. Ah… It’s all a work-in-progress. 🙂

    • Sandra Ardoin

      Seriously Write comes up in your WordPress feed? Interesting. I didn’t know you could get Blogger posts in the Reader. OR…

      Are you meaning that you can’t get my full post (above) for my blog? If it’s here, I changed from .com to .org last month and set my posts to give summaries. If you got this in your Reader, you should click on the post in Reader and you’ll see this message: Visit for the full post. Click that and it will take you to my website and the post. Let me know if that works, Jill. If not, I’ll need to look into it more. But I’m thinking whatever the problem, it has to do with my change. Thanks for wanting to read the post.

      • Jill Weatherholt

        This is what I see when I’m at your site. I don’t see Patty’s full post.

        July 17, 2019
        For years, I’ve tried (and failed) at starting my own blog. But recently, my husband gave me a compelling reason to try again.

        Patty Smith Hall

        On the Seriously Write blog today, author Patty Smith Hall continues her series on author branding. Do you need to blog? How do you get started? How do you use it in your brand?

        What are two or three ways you can use your blog to promote your brand?

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