Inspirational Books

New Year, New Theme: Finishing Strong

Sandra Ardoin @sandraardoin

For the past two years, I’ve had a theme going here. Once per month, I’ve invited authors to share their experiences regarding that theme. Those topics have come from issues I’ve dealt with—making time for both life and writing and casting fear aside to try something new.

Usually, by November, I’ve known what the upcoming theme will be, but the last quarter of 2018 left me dumbfounded. I guess that’s a good thing. It meant there were no overwhelming writing-related problems in my life.

Uh…hold on.

As I thought it over, I decided I have more issues than I realized. 🙂 Lately, I’ve seemed to bounce from one new writing project to another. (You know…those shiny new things that capture our attentions.) So, my theme for 2019 is Finishing Strong. I’ve asked my crit partner to keep me accountable. Her job this year is to hound and nag until I’ve written “The End” on whatever I’ve started.

What I’ll ask writers this year is how they choose the writing project they’ll work on next. What are their thought processes as they narrow down all those ideas that float inside their heads? Do they ever find themselves making the wrong choice and how do they handle it?

So, hang tight this year and let’s finish strong! I’ll be back Friday with a special novel review: Mind Games by Nancy Mehl.

Is there a project you’re having trouble putting those finishing touches on? Maybe you’ve gotten distracted by something else and before long time has flown and it’s still incomplete. Could be writing-related or not.

As an author of heartwarming historical and contemporary romance, Sandra Ardoin engages readers with page-turning stories of love and faith. Rarely out of reach of a book, she's also an armchair sports enthusiast, country music listener, and seldom says no to eating out.


  • Gail Johnson

    Oh, how your words reasonate with me! I’m working on a devotional and a contemporary romance. Some days, characters from a medieval story begin interrupting my thoughts. I am currently shoving them in the dungeon until I can finish my WIPs. Looking forward to this year’s posts! ?

    • Sandra Ardoin

      I’ve worked on more than one project at a time, Gail, but find it doesn’t work for me. Throw away that dungeon key until you’ve typed “The End” on at least one of those books! 🙂

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