June 2019 Around the Web
It’s been one busy month, so I’m afraid this post will be a little shy of my normal amount of suggested reading. I hope you enjoy the ones listed.

I’m no activist, but “How to stop human trafficking? Stop watching porn, Game of Thrones, activist says” on the Fox News site is a great reminder that, as Christians, we have a responsibility to be more mindful in what we watch, read, or communicate.
I think “Love Them to Life” on Lisa Buffaloe’s blog is a great story to get us all thinking about how we welcome others into the church if they’re a tad bit different than we’re used to seeing. It certainly got me thinking…and repenting.
As a writer of historical romance, as well as a reader of the genre, I enjoyed this post “Historical Romance Author Interview: Tracie Peterson—Bringing Hope and Encouragement” on the Family Fiction site. Great insight into Tracie Peterson and her work.
As a writer, I found “Ask BHP: How Do Editors Work With Different Authors?” on the Bethany House blog informative, but as a reader, I also found it interesting to get a little insight into how a publisher’s editors work with their authors.
Do you believe in the writing “rules,” or do you think they’re suggestions meant to be broken? “Down with the Rules?” on Writers in the Storm will give you something to consider when it comes to breaking the rules.
When I first started my newsletter, I struggled to decide what to put in it. In fact, it’s gone through several variations and probably will in the future. If you’re looking for ideas for content, read “14 Content Ideas for Author Newsletters” on The Book Designer.