Around the Web,  Encouragement,  Reading,  The Writing Life

January 2021 Around the Web

Maybe you’ve noticed I’m not blogging quite as often as in the past. But I still read blogs and can’t give up recommending articles I think might appeal to others. So, here’s January’s Around the Web.


Writers, Do You Fear Success?” on the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers blog is addressed to writers, but applies to all. My favorite line: “…fear of success is fear of failure wrapped in a pretty package of pride.” Ooh…my toes!

An inspiring article on the Defying Shadows blog: “How To Train Yourself to be Optimistic By Melissa Henderson.” So, why are you happy? You are, aren’t you?

Feel like giving up, giving in? I’ve been a bit discouraged lately, so “10 Encouraging Bible Verses about Not Giving Up” on the Crosswalk blog gave me a boost. Maybe you’ll find encouragement from Lori Stanley Roeleveld’s piece, too.


Is it possible to write “Alpha” male heroes in Christian fiction? The ladies on the Inspy Romance podcast discuss “Alpha Males With Special Guest Liwen Ho.” What do you think?

Do you have reader pet peeves? I think we all have something that drives us crazy in a book. My Book Cave did a survey and came up with a list of “Readers’ Pet Peeves.” Maybe yours are on the list.


We all need a grammar refresher on occasion, so Writer’s Digest published “75 Grammar Rules for Writers” that is worthy of bookmarking.

Do you keep everything in spreadsheets? How do you keep track of your marketing. Mine isn’t anywhere near as detailed (but probably should be) as Karen Whiting’s as she describes it in “Organize Marketing With Spreadsheets” for The Write Conversation.

I’ve been in rewrite mode this month, so “8 Ways to Improve Your Sensory Detail with These Writing and Editing Tricks” on the ProWritingAid blog caught my eye. It even has exercises to get your brain going.

Have you read a blog article that has inspired you in January?

As an author of heartwarming historical and contemporary romance, Sandra Ardoin engages readers with page-turning stories of love and faith. Rarely out of reach of a book, she's also an armchair sports enthusiast, country music listener, and seldom says no to eating out.


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