High-five Friday,  The Writing Life

High Five Friday!!

February has been a sweet month for several writers, including me. So, I hope you’ll give each of the following a hearty High Five!! for their accomplishments.

Lisa Buffaloe celebrates as her novel, Nadia’s Hope is a finalist in the Women of Faith Contest. The winner will be announced March 1st. 

Dan Walsh is excited to announce two items of good news this month. He signed a contract with Guideposts to write the fifth book in their new series, Miracles of Marble Cove. Book One in the series should come out this summer. Also, his third novel, The Deepest Waters (Revell), which releases April 1st, has been picked up by Crossings Book Club, the largest Christian book club in the US. He’s especially excited about this because Crossings will print a hardcover edition of the book. Dan says, “If you’ve seen this cover, it really deserves to be in hardback.” You can catch a glimpse of it on his website.

Lenora Worth cheers the fact that her Love Inspired Suspense title Body of Evidence made the New York Time’s Bestseller list at number 33!  This is the first Love Inspired title to ever hit the NYT Bestseller list! 

Amanda Flower rejoices because  her debut novel, Maid of Murder, has been nominated for the 2010 Agatha Award for Best First Novel. Named after Agatha Christie, the Agatha Awards honor traditional mysteries that typify the work of the contest’s namesake.

Lisa Jordan is all smiles after signing her first book contract last week. Her novel, Lakeside Reunion, will be published by Love Inspired and be available November 2011.

Lisa Carter celebrates obtaining a new agent in February. She signed with Tamela Hancock Murray of Hartline Literary Agency. She also has a travel article on the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona, appearing in the February issue of FamilyFun.

As for me…like Lisa Buffaloe, I’m celebrating because my current project made it to the final round of the North Texas Romance Writers of America Great Expectations Contest. The exciting part about these contests is that the final rounds are generally judged by agents and/or editors. It gives writers an opportunity to get their works before people who (hopefully) like them enough to want to see more. I’ll have to let you know how I do later since I won’t find out until sometime next month. Also, an excerpt from my first manuscript has been chosen for an upcoming clash on Clash of the Titles. I can’t say when mine will appear, but be sure to check out the website starting in March, vote for the excerpt you like best, and check it again for the author interviews.

Congratulations, everyone! High Five!! 

As an author of heartwarming historical and contemporary romance, Sandra Ardoin engages readers with page-turning stories of love and faith. Rarely out of reach of a book, she's also an armchair sports enthusiast, country music listener, and seldom says no to eating out.

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