Inspirational Books

High Five Friday!!

Some may think being a writer is easy…just sit down at the computer and let the fingers fly. But anyone serious about publishing knows the truth. It’s hard to put the right words in the right order to form a compelling story. So we celebrate whenever and whatever we can. I hope you’ll offer a High Five!! to the following:

Bonnie Engstrom is excited to report that her manuscript,The Photo Under the Pantyhose, has been awarded Second Place in the Mainstream/Literary Short Story category of the 81st Annual Writer’s Digest Writing Competition. Since this is a nationwide (maybe even worldwide) competition, she’s doubly honored and very humbled.

Bonnie Doran celebrates two announcements. In September, My Turn to Care, a devotional compiled by Marlene Bagnull, was reprinted by OakTara. It includes Bonnie’s devotion, “Long Distance Daughtering.” Also, Splickety Magazine published her flash fiction piece, “The Mad Scientist Pot Luck,” in their third issue released in October.

Jessica Keller is dancing on the rooftops after seeing the cover art for her debut novel this past week! “And it is beautiful.”

Vannetta Chapman recently signed a contract for another three-book Amish romance series with Harvest House. It will focus on the Oklahoma Amish. The name of series is The Chateu Amish Series, and the first book is tentatively title Katey’s Miracle.

What do you most rewarding about your job? (Other than five o’clock on Friday!)

As an author of heartwarming historical and contemporary romance, Sandra Ardoin engages readers with page-turning stories of love and faith. Rarely out of reach of a book, she's also an armchair sports enthusiast, country music listener, and seldom says no to eating out.

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