High-five Friday

High Five Friday!!

Christmas came early for some writers and December was an awesome month!

Lena Nelson Dooley has been the featured author on the December cover of Christian Fiction Online Magazine, which also features an interesting interview. She is also featured in the lead article on the Church Bookstores page of Christian Retailing January issue that released this month.

Lillian Duncan has a new book coming out. Deception is a suspense story about estranged  twin sisters. “This story is so special to me. I began to write it after the death of a dear friend I was estranged from. I’d always planned to reconnect with  her—later. Unfortunately, I waited too long and missed my opportunity. I wrote this story in hopes that others would read it and not miss their opportunity to reunite with a loved one.”

James Rubart’s second novel, Book of Days, which released in January 2011 was nominated as a finalist in RT Book Reviews Book of the Year in the Inspirational Mystery/Suspense/Thriller category.

Margaret Brownley’s novel A Vision of Lucy is up for Best Western Romance of 2011. Readers can vote through December 31 at Loves Western Romances“It’s fun, it’s easy and you might win a prize.”

Tiffany Amber Stockton signed with Sandra Bishop of MacGregor Literary for representation. She also signed a contract for Book Two in her current Brandywine Brides trilogy. The contract for Book Three will be coming in January.

Julie Arduini received an early Christmas present when she learned that her story, “The Dollar Store Statue,” won first place in the 6th Annual JournEzine Christmas Story Contest. The story is featured in their December issue, as well as sent out to all Heart of God Ministry partners. Their theme was Emmanuel, God with Us.

Lisa Carter signed a contract with Abingdon Press for her debut novel, Aloha Rose, which is part of the Quilts of Love romance series that releases September 2013. Also in December, a humorous parenting anecdote of hers was contracted with Focus on the Family’s Thriving Family magazine and will appear in the March 2012 issue.

Alice J. Wisler thanks her new agent, Chip MacGregor, for a new contract for a novel with Moody Publishers! Her other four novels have been with Bethany House and she looks forward to working with the folks at Moody on Still Life in Shadows (to be released fall of 2012).  

Ada Brownell worked for fifteen years on her non-fiction book Swallowed by LIFE: Mysteries of Death, Resurrection and the Eternal. The book explores the faith aspect of eternal life and released on December 13, 2011, about a month before the anniversary of her daughter’s 1990 death. “I am thrilled with the book and feel the cover that shows three little dew-drizzled seedlings popping up in a cemetery adequately signify 1 Corinthians 15:35-44, the illustration of death being likened to a planted seed that decays, but still bursts to life.”


I’m so proud of all these writers and their accomplishments! Give them a cyber High Five!!

As for me, my interview about writing and the children’s book Family Ties: Thirteen Short Stories appeared on the Shades of Romance blog yesterday.

As an author of heartwarming historical and contemporary romance, Sandra Ardoin engages readers with page-turning stories of love and faith. Rarely out of reach of a book, she's also an armchair sports enthusiast, country music listener, and seldom says no to eating out.

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