Seriously Write: Make Them Think You Lived There: The Importance of Setting by Norma Gail
How can you make your setting real to your readers? On the Seriously Write blog today, author Norma Gail provides seven tips from her own experience in helping her readers see, smell, hear, feel, and taste what it’s like to…
Seriously Write: Memorable Characters by Gail Pallotta
Today’s Seriously Write blog post from author Gail Pallotta spoke to me and had me brainstorming ways in which I could make the characters in my current project more memorable to the reader. What character from a book or…
Seriously Write: Sea Creatures and Hollywood Hunks by Sandra Ardoin
Writers put a lot of work into their characters, either before they ever start writing, or as they go along. Today on Seriously Write, we’re talking about the way we envision our characters and whether or not that should be public…
Seriously Write: LET’S EAT GRANDMA – The Importance of Proofreading by Kathy Ide
I originally ran the post on this blog, but thought those who follow the Seriously Write blog would benefit from Kathy Ide’s advice. She has a terrific grammar book out, Proofreading Secrets of Best-Selling Authors. So if you didn’t see…