Seriously Write: Marketing Memes by Crystal L Barnes
by Sandra Ardoin I don’t know about you, but I love reading and creating memes. They’re perfect for placing on social media posts, which are going more and more image heavy. Today on the Seriously Write blog, author Crystal Barnes…
Seriously Write: Networking Isn’t a Dirty Word by Sandra Ardoin
Sorry for the late post yesterday, but it was wild, crazy, and fun with the release party for A Reluctant Melody. Anyway, we’re talking about networking as writers on the Seriously Write blog today. Stop by and give your thoughts.…
EXTRA! Read All About It! by Sandra Ardoin
For shy introverts who find it difficult to say "Boo!" to people they don't know, marketing a book can be a daunting task. ... We want to spend the time writing and leave the hawking of our books to the…
Seriously Write: Recipe for Successful Marketing by Marji Laine
Let’s face it, as writers we’re determined to get our stories into the hands (or e-readers) of as many book lovers as possible. Sometimes, that’s not an easy task. Today on the Seriously Write blog, author Marji Laine gives us…