Seriously Write: Using YouTube to Develop your Platform by Karla Akins
Are you using video to gain interest in your writing and build your platform? On the Seriously Write blog, Author Karla Akins provides her experience and reasons why you should consider it. Have you used videos for building your platform?
Seriously Write: So You Have A Book To Sell by Catherine West
by Sandra Ardoin Let’s face it. As writers, all most of us really want to do is write the book or article or short story. But if we want to successfully publish that work, it means marketing. Author Catherine West…
Seriously Write: Social Media & Marketing By Carrie Fancett Pagels
by Sandra Ardoin This should have gone out yesterday, but my blog wasn’t talking to me. 🙁 Social media marketing—love it or hate it, it’s part of the job description if we want to publish what we’ve written. Carrie Fancett…
Seriously Write: Marketing as a Small Press Writer by Christine Lindsay
by Sandra Ardoin Are you with a small publisher or thinking about signing a contract with one? On the Seriously Write blog today, author Christine Lindsay gives a couple of the pros and cons you might want to consider. Have…