Seriously Write: Top Five Research Tips from Anna Schmidt
Today on the Seriously Write blog, author Anna Schmidt shares five things (and a bonus tip) that have helped her when researching a novel. Have you ever had to completely rethink your story because your research told you some aspect…
Seriously Write: Researching the 1700’s by Beth White
For me, the earliest days of our American history would seem difficult to research. Fortunately, that didn’t stop author Beth White from finding the resources she needed to write her novels. Today on the Seriously Write blog, she shares some…
Seriously Write: How Do You Manage Your Writing Research? by Sandra Ardoin
Whether you write contemporary or historical, or even non-fiction, there will be something (okay, “somethings”) you’ll need to research. So how do you go about it? Today on the Seriously Write blog, we’re sharing tips to help you keep your…
Seriously Write: I’d Rather Research than Write – Musings of a History Nerd By Susan F. Craft
On today’s Seriously Write post, we’re starting off the new year with author and editor Susan Craft who gives us her experience with researching her latest novel. And she throws in a few of her favorite resources! What on-site research…