Seriously Write: What’s a Little Research by Ginger Solomon
No matter what genre you choose to write in, you can’t get past the facts, or researching them. On the Seriously Write blog today, author Ginger Solomon provides her experience with researching before she steps into the story. What do…
Seriously Write: Research Tips for Writing What You Don’t Know by Jennifer Slattery
by Sandra Ardoin Have you ever been typing away on your WIP and come across a need for a tidbit of information that seems illusive? On the Seriously Write blog today, author Jennifer Slattery provides a few tips to keep…
Seriously Write: Research – The Best Part of Being an Author by Mary Ellis
Besides a good story, there’s nothing more thrilling for this reader than feeling as though I’ve been transported to a place or time I’ve never been before. Today on the Seriously Write blog, Mary Ellis stops by to give us…
Seriously Write: Using Google Books to Discover the Past by Sandra Ardoin
by Sandra Ardoin It’s my turn to post on the Seriously Write blog this morning, and I’m talking about Google Books. If you’re a writer, this can be an invaluable research tool, which is the point of the post.