• The Lingerie Look

    When I was growing up, it was common knowledge that you did not wear white before the first of April. Now we often see white worn during any time of the year. Much of the 1800’s saw dresses year-round in…

  • Gold In Them There High Places

    The library in town has three floors with a wide, spiral staircase in the center. The effect is a little like looking at the inside of conch shell. I’ve spent years on the main floor of that building with the rows of fiction, and…

  • Red State/Blue State

    Today is election day and I got to wondering how we became divided into red states and blue states. So, when in wonder…go to the internet. It wasn’t clear exactly when colors first started being used to designate the parties,…

  • The End

    Just as every good book has an ending we hate to see, so did the tour of homes. Well, what do you do when it’s over? You await the sequel, of course. This year, three centuries were represented on the home…