19th Century Humor
I enjoy perusing through the 19th century volumes in Google Books. While looking for a “potato salad” recipe, I came across the joke below in The Young Wife’s Cook Book, copyright 1870. I was especially interested in the term “ditto” as I…
When Society Rolled on Two Wheels
An object we treat casually today was, at one time, a craze that influenced the way people lived. It changed their thinking. Kids can’t wait to get that new two-wheeler bike and learn to ride. Sometimes, they need training wheels or a hand on the…
Research – Shadowed in Silk, Part Two
Today, Christine Lindsay concludes her story about searching for just the right details and history that bring her characters from Shadowed in Silk to life. On Tuesday, I wrote about the research I did for my hero, Major Geoff Richards…
Research – Shadowed in Silk, Part One
Both days this week I’m welcoming author Christine Lindsay. She’s going to tell us how she went about researching for her novel, Shadowed in Silk. Good to have you, Christine! Being a history buff, I loved researching Shadowed in Silk. But…