Seriously Write: The Hazards of Research by Sandra Ardoin
#NovelResearch #Writing How far will you go when conducting research for your book? I’m posting on the Seriously Write blog today and sharing my delicious experience with “hands-on” research. Come on by and tell us about an interesting or unusual…
Historical Flavor: The Rebel Yell
#History #CivilWar #Writing During the Civil War, the Confederates used a psychological and morale-boosting weapon that struck fear in the hearts of the enemy—the Rebel Yell. There is no common agreement as to the source of the yell. Some say…
Guest Post: The Most Heroic Union Regiment in the Civil War by Tamera Lynn Kraft
#Historical #CivilWar #ChristianFiction Tamera Lynn Kraft’s novella, Soldier’s Heart, is part of Murray Pura’s Cry of Freedom, an anthology of Civil War stories. Today, Tamera is writing about the regiment behind her story. Welcome, Tamera! When I was asked to join…
Seriously Write: When to Consult a Medical Expert by Jordyn Redwood
#SeriouslyWrite #WritingTips #Novel Research Author (and nurse) Jordyn Redwood has a blog on which she treats writers to important information with regard to medical issues. On the Seriously Write blog, I asked her to share some aspect of research strategies…