September 2017 Around the Web
Sandra Ardoin @SandraArdoin I read. A lot. At the end of each month you’ll find links on the Around the Web posts to blog articles I’ve found of interest during the month. I hope they will prove to be of…
Historical Flavor: Tragedy of the Isle Derniere Hurricane
Sandra Ardoin @SandraArdoin We’re smack-dab in hurricane season and, of course, this month marks twelve years since Hurricane Katrina hit Louisiana. Wow! It doesn’t seem so long ago. But Katrina wasn’t the only hurricane to wreak havoc on that area…
Seriously Write: Beating Writer’s Block by Toni Shiloh
Sandra Ardoin @SandraArdoin There comes a time in every writer’s life where they experience writer’s block. It’s the bane of our existence. On the Seriously Write blog, author Toni Shiloh shares five tips for overcoming that dreaded writer’s block that…
A Life in the Day of … Jennifer Hallmark
Sandra Ardoin @SandraArdoin Writing takes a great deal of mental energy and, frankly, sometimes we can feel burned out or over-extended when it’s combined with the rest of life. Sometimes, we need a break, and sometimes that break can last longer…