Seriously Write: Writing Motivators by Glenn Haggerty
@SandraArdoin Motivation—I think that once you have the writing—storytelling bug, you have to write. Author Glenn Haggerty visits the Seriously Write blog today and provides tips for those times when we’re “discouraged, frustrated, and stonewalled.” Do you have any motivational…
Seriously Write: Grab a Hankie and Hold On!
@SandraArdoin A non-writing friend of mine posted a meme on my Facebook timeline: “Things That Make Writers Cry” from the Writers Write blog. I took a cue from that meme and am on Seriously Write today to talk about more things that…
Seriously Write: A Writer’s Perseverance by Sharee Stover
@SandraArdoin Do you ever see words and cringe because you know there’s a lesson behind them? For instance, the word perseverance for me conjures images of slogging through quicksand while carrying an oversized backpack. Sharee Stover visits the Seriously Write…
Seriously Write: Getting Unstuck by Amberly Clowe
Sandra Ardoin @SandraArdoin I devour books. I love to absorb twisting plots and enlightening perspectives. I love to sit back in awe at the world an author has woven. And like so many others, I love to be inspired. On…