Seriously Write: My Favorite Places to People Watch by Keely Brooke Keith
Sandra Ardoin @SandraArdoin One of a writer’s best tools is the art of people watching. Need some inspiration for your writing? On the Seriously Write blog, author Keely Brooke Keith talks about where she goes when she needs inspiration. What…
Going Strong and Courageous
Sandra Ardoin @SandraArdoin If you’ve been reading the blog this year, you know that Strong and Courageous has been my theme for 2018. You’ve read numerous posts by people who have shared their stories of courage to complete a certain…
A Little Tuesday Fun
Sandra Ardoin @SandraArdoin Between vacation days without internet service and Hurricane Florence (more days without the internet), September has been a bust for searching the web for great articles for my Around the Web post. As a result, this month’s…
Seriously Write: Two Writing Tips (Bonus: Helpful References) by Joanie Bruce
Sandra Ardoin @SandraArdoin Being able to talk to an author and ask questions would have been amazing, but fortunately (for them) I knew no authors personally to pester. In addition to sharing a couple of important tips for new writers,…