August 2017 Around the Web
Sandra Ardoin @SandraArdoin
This devotion from Norma Gail fits perfectly with the theme (and climax) of the book I’m working on now. More important is its message about fear.
Are you trying to help others without first making sure you’re okay? This post by Russell Smith, “Put Your Own Mask On First,” shares the wisdom of taking care of yourself before attempting to help others.
In “Evidence of Things Seen” by Nancy Ruegg, we see how God has laid the foundation, through our life’s experiences, that speaks of His love and our ability to trust Him.
A five-star review from D. L. Kamstra of my critique partner’s debut novel, Freedom’s Ring.
In this post by Amy Lillard, she asks readers to be respectful of authors who break genre rules.
So how many of these books from Fiction Aficionado’s list would make your top ten of books you enjoyed while growing up? I’d have to add Rebecca, the Little House books, and anything by Mary Roberts Rinehart.
Are you really ready for writing success? Check out this article by Janet Kobobel Grant of Books and Such Literary.
I’ve been working hard to learn more about structure in a novel and adhere to it, but honestly, it’s tended to make me crazy. The “All You Need to Know About Story Structure (in 5 Minutes)” post on the Write to Done blog is helping me breathe again.
Speaking of critique partners (see “Reading” above), here’s an informative article from the ACFW blog about “Creating a Crazy-Good Critique Group.”
What did you read this month that you would add to my list?