Book Reviews,  Inspirational Books

Review: Journey’s Edge

Back Cover Copy:

Routine Audit? Hardly.

Red flags—including some goon who’s following her—raise  McKinley Frasier’s suspicions that numbers don’t add up at the insurance firm. When someone tries to snatch McKinley’s daughter from school, she turns to police officer and ex-fiance, Renner Crossman—the cop who walked out on her a month before their wedding. But Renner’s not the same guy who broke her heart ten years ago. He calls himself a “new man.” She trusts the new Renner with her daughter’s safety…but what about her heart?




Those who have read my blog awhile know I’m a sucker for reading the stories of secondary characters in a novel. I read Dora Hier’s first book, Journey’s End, and liked it. So when the opportunity came to read Renner’s story in Journey’s Edge, I jumped on it. No, I wasn’t disappointed in the second book. In fact, of the two, it was my favorite.

First, let me compliment White Rose Publishing on their choice of cover. Do you find it as eerie as I do? Does it raise the goosebumps? Second, the author provides one of those “Goodness gracious! I didn’t see that coming!” moments about a third of the way through the story. (At least, I didn’t see it coming.) Of course, I won’t go into the reason for the surprise, but it was a fine twist to the plot and one that could have been developed to a greater degree in a longer book.

Renner, a fairly new Christian, meets with the woman he was supposed to marry ten years earlier—the one he rejected for what he thought were good reasons, yet never got over. Now, he finds himself in the position of being the protector for both her and her daughter. It’s easy to feel for Renner as he tries to keep from rushing McKinley into renewing their relationship before she’s ready. Kinny, as he calls her, has some understandable trust issues when it comes to renewing a relationship with Renner.

In the past ten years, McKinley has become independent with her focus spent on work and raising her child. She hasn’t been looking for a relationship and thinks she would like nothing better than to avoid this one. Along comes a routine audit and its inaccuracies. Soon, she and her daughter are being threatened by the man responsible for some shady bookkeeping. (Don’t worry. No cat has escaped the bag with that revelation.) 

The danger/suspense scenes please, but the emphasis is on the romance. Journey’s Edge rates high in that department with an appealing hero any woman would want to give a second chance. So if you’re inclined to read romantic suspense with the emphasis on romance, this is a book to read.

This story takes place in mid to late fall. What is your favorite time of the year to read about and why?   


Disclosure of Material Connection: This book came to me free from the publisher and author with the hope that I would mention it on this blog. There was no requirement for me to write a positive review and the opinions I have expressed above are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

As an author of heartwarming historical and contemporary romance, Sandra Ardoin engages readers with page-turning stories of love and faith. Rarely out of reach of a book, she's also an armchair sports enthusiast, country music listener, and seldom says no to eating out.

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