Book Reviews,  Inspirational Books

Trailer Tuesday – Shadows in Silk

Today’s book trailer is for Christine Lindsay’s Shadowed in Silk. You can read my review of this book here.


She was invisible to those who should have loved her.

After the Great War, Abby Fraser returns to India with her small son, where her husband is stationed with the British army. She has longed to go home to the land of glittering palaces and veiled women…but Nick has become a cruel stranger. It will take more than her American pluck to survive.

Major Geoff Richards, broken over the loss of so many of his men in the trenches of France, returns to his cavalry post in Amritsar. But his faith does little to help him understand the ruthlessness of his British peers toward the Indian people he loves. Nor does it explain how he is to protect Abby Fraser and her child from the husband who mistreats them.

Amid political unrest, inhospitable deserts, and Russian spies, tensions rise in India as the people cry for the freedom espoused by Gandhi. Caught between their own ideals and duty, Geoff and Abby stumble into sinister secrets…secrets that will thrust them out of the shadows and straight into the fire of revolution.

Christine Lindsay writes historical Christian inspirational novels with strong love stories. She doesn’t shy away from difficult subjects such as the themes in her debut novel SHADOWED IN SILK which is set in India during a turbulent era. Christine’s long-time fascination with the British Raj was seeded from stories of her ancestors who served in the British Cavalry in India. SHADOWED IN SILK won first place in the 2009 ACFW Genesis for Historical under the title Unveiled. Shadowed in Silk is being released by WhiteFire Publishing in 2 stages this year, first as an eBook on May 1, 2011, and as the printed version Sept. 1.

An interesting note about the front cover of Shadowed, is that the model is Christine’s daughter, Sarah, whom she relinquished to adoption and was reunited with 20 years later. The Pacific coast of Canada, about 200 miles north of Seattle, is Christine’s home. It’s a special time in her life as she and her husband enjoy the empty nest, but also the noise and fun when the kids and grandkids come home. Like a lot of writers, her cat is her chief editor.

As an author of heartwarming historical and contemporary romance, Sandra Ardoin engages readers with page-turning stories of love and faith. Rarely out of reach of a book, she's also an armchair sports enthusiast, country music listener, and seldom says no to eating out.

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  • Christine Lindsay

    Thank you Sandy for having me as a guest on Trailer Tuesday. What a cool idea. Shadowed in Silk was really a book on my heart for many years. I’m so happy that it is finally seeing the light of day with its paper release this Sept. 1.

      • Christine Lindsay

        I took my time and learned how to do a book trailer. Mostly by trial and error. Instead of spending the money on someone else doing it, I spent my money on buying the license to the images I really wanted. It took a while to find them all. Then buying the music from IStock which my son the musician edited to make it a little longer for my purposes.

        Then, I just played around to find the right formula of animations, etc to give me the feeling I wanted.

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