Seriously Write: Deep POV – Getting in Character and Staying There by Kelly Irvin
Sandra Ardoin @SandraArdoin
Readers have told me that by the time they finish reading my novels, they feel as if they are part of the heroine’s family. Readers have written asking if the baby was a boy or a girl—as if he was born after the story ended. How does a writer do that? Take readers so deeply into a character’s life and keep them there so that they feel they’ve lived the story?
On today’s Seriously Write blog, author Kelly Irvin provides her tips for sinking into Deep POV with your characters.
Jennifer Hallmark
Deep POV was hard for me to learn. I’m better now but still studying ☺
Sandra Ardoin
I know what you mean, Jennifer. Sometimes, I think I’ve got it, yet it’s hard for me to tell when I’ve slipped out of it. I’m especially bad when it comes to her first tip. :/ But the post is a good reminder of how to correct those things in the editing.